The Reinvention Test
In the search to find a unique and memorable domain name, one word recurred often… reinvention.
I am choosing to see the future as an opportunity for growth rather than the threat of… well, insert your own list of fears that wake you at 3am. The chances are that we share most of them; self-doubt, fear of the unknown, financial ruin, existential crisis, the protestant work ethic crumbling to dust; all of these and more.
However, this is an opportunity to hit life’s reset button, trusting that turning it off and back on again won’t destroy the machine. Unplug it from here, redeploy it somewhere more useful, add to its utility.
And so it is with humans needing renewal –
1 - power down briefly,
2 - reconnect in a new way,
3 - bring all of your expertise forward into the new context.
Point one is the challenge of finding courage to make a change, and becomes easy when circumstance makes it the best option. Point three is the core of who you are, everything you have learned, shared, taught, believed and created, ready to be offered again. At issue is that bit in the middle, reconnecting, making your way again, finding a new fit, testing your resilience. That is the reinvention test.